When I'm around AMBER, I feel free! She makes me realize I don’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks of me.
She inspires me to live unapologetically. In this day and age, it’s really hard not to feel pressure to present yourself in a certain way, and AMBER encourages others to just live their best lives without the anxiety of always pleasing others.
She inspires me to be bold, be vulnerable, be brave, take risks, and to cherish the people the really care for you.
Whenever I come across her words-of-wisdom TikToks it always challenges my beliefs and opens me up to new perspectives and things i didn’t know about myself.
- Kimberly B.
AMBER inspires me to be myself by being who she is every day. Seeing how unapologetic AMBER is with being herself and doing what she loves, and seeing firsthand the journey she has been on over the past decade brings me so much joy and confidence to be my authentic self.
- Katie G.
No matter what, I can be my most open & vulnerable self [around AMBER], knowing that every time we share a moment the vibes are always, high, pure and funny.
She inspires me to be unabashedly me. Authentically, confidently.
The first time I met and worked with AMBER on a promo gig, her energy literally filled the room. It was nonstop laughter instantly!
- G P.
Los Angeles, CA
AMBER inspires me to be more myself by encouraging authenticity and embracing my true feelings and emotions. Her joyful and genuine presence creates a safe space where I feel comfortable expressing my thoughts and being my authentic self.​​​​​​​
- Brent M.
Los Angeles, CA
She is truly herself around others and it’s inviting. 
- Jack L.
She inspires mostly through action. Watching her be so vulnerable with Life has been a huge inspiration.
When I first met her, I thought she was 17 because we were acting on a kids show together then randomly she was like, "You want some edibles?" So we ate edibles together and the vibes on set changed. We got to know one another better. A really dope vulnerable experience.
We did a photoshoot together a couple months ago and it was truly transformative to see her bear herself wholly. We did talk for a couple hours about life and love and what it's gonna take to be the best. Felt very spiritually aligned.
- Kudzanai M.
Los Angeles, CA
By being her authentic self and not being afraid to speak her truth, she inspires me to do the same: To be raw, vulnerable and not give a shit what others think; to strive for what lights our fire and not let anyone dim us down.
Amber always makes me feel seen. She listens with care and allows me to express myself without judgment. Her positive attitude is contagious and will help you forget your problems just by being her silly self with her adorable partner in crime Mac. Dream duo.
Her fierce smile and radiant energy lights up a room anywhere she goes.
- Maricruz V.
Los Angeles, CA
In the past, I’ve been too cautious of what others think and will let it affect some of my actions. I can’t remember exactly what she said, but I think it was along the lines of doing it for myself and not for others. Still something I’m working on, but AMBER definitely gave me a nice reminder that I’m allowed to care for myself and do things for myself, too.
She will always be a reminder to do things to better myself and to do things I have passion in. She inspires me to be more open with how I’m feeling and to try new and uncomfortable things if it means helping with becoming the best version of myself. 
Just a testament to who AMBER is and how she can make someone feel: When AMBER and I were seniors [in college] we lived a few houses down from each other and I would offer to take her to get groceries since I had a car. The very first time we went, I just needed someone with good spirit around me... just typical stress from college. Just by being around her... I just felt so much warmth, care and love. She was there for me just by being herself which I think is a beautiful thing to be able to do. I have so much to say about AMBER. I think she’s a very unique and incredible human who deserves only the best and all the love in the world.
- Koby A.
Syracuse, NY
AMBER has such a welcoming energy and is so genuine that it’s impossible not to feel at ease in her presence. Our paths crossed for the first time during a large get-together with lots of new people, and what I knew was going to be a heavy drinking weekend. After spending a lot of time on my own healing and wellness journey, I’ve found that alcohol no longer serves me and I was anxious to be putting myself in that setting. The anxiety immediately dissipated though when I saw AMBER sitting at the table drinking her tea with a genuine smile on her face. I immediately felt more secure in my decision not to drink and my anxiety was replaced with excitement to get to meet cool people. For this and more, I’m so grateful our paths crossed.
- Teresa J.
Lake Tahoe, CA
AMBER consistently reminds me of my strengths and that anything I want I can have! She has pushed me to share more of myself and personality on social media and shown me how to be my organic self and not care what anyone thinks of me! This girl is always trying new things to support herself and makes me want to do the same. She has such an optimistic, “live in the moment”, abundant mindset that I admire. AMBER is so insanely beautiful inside and out, and truly one of a kind. You can feel her light and energy even through a phone and she has such an amazing heart. AMBER has helped me and continues to help me in so many ways and I consider her a role model. We need more AMBERs in this world!
- Diana T.
Miami, FL
My experience with AMBER was an energetic slingshot into physical and spiritual healing. I injured my knee the previous day and a lot of the session was centralized around my knee. I could feel the reiki concentrate in that area and my knee has rapidly healed since then. I had a very deep open wound that needed stitches. In an overall spiritual sense, AMBER’s energy coupled with the guided reiki was very strong and palpable and really boosted me to a higher frequency. Thank you kindly AMBER.
-Steven M.
Lake Tahoe, CA
[A]bout the Reiki session... whilst it was happening, I felt really loved and really held, and I haven't felt that way on my own. For example, I think the last time I remember feeling that way was being held by my partner... I felt extremely loved and held by the Earth and by myself. That was a really cool experience: Something that I don't think I've physically felt or energetically felt... It was really cool and safe and beautiful. And you're going to be a great Reiki healer. I can already tell and thank you for that session. Thank you so much. I love you.
- Megan S.
[AMBER's third Reiki client]
Los Angeles, CA
Just being in her presence when we first met was healing.
She let me borrow socks that became my favorite socks on a cruise.
-Augustin P.
Los Angeles, CA
Before the session, I had mixed emotions. I was genuinely curious about trying something new, but was also a bit skeptical if Reiki would live up to the hype. Once the session began, however, I found myself in a deep state of relaxation, most similar to a mindfulness class I attended a few times. I found the gentle touch and soothing presence helped release some tension and stress I had been carrying, and my mind slowly quieted, making space for a sense of inner calm. As the session progressed, I started to notice subtle sensations of warmth, tingling, and a gentle flow of energy throughout my body, and at times felt like AMBER's hand wasn’t physically touching me, but I could feel the presence still. It was oddly comforting and reassuring.
After the session, when I opened my eyes, I was impressed with how refreshed and revitalized I felt; as if I just woke up from deep REM. I would say this stayed with me through the night, and getting into the hot tub right after definitely enhanced this for me personally. Overall, my first Reiki left me with a newfound appreciation for energy healing, especially for seeking relaxation, self-awareness and inner peace, and would love to try it again sometime.
-Sid V.
[AMBER's first Reiki client]
Lake Tahoe, CA
At first, I felt like my internal energy was all over the place and there was no focus. Then AMBER had me lie down, and when she put her hands on me, it felt like she was transferring energy to me. It felt like when she was releasing energy, my energy was pooling around the focus point... I felt like my energy was getting "organized". Before, my energy was directionless and just a general aura around me, but during the [Reiki], it was getting focused and I was way more present... Because of that, I want to be more mindful of how much [of my energy] is radiating and how much I'm keeping for myself, if that makes sense. THANK YOU.
- Jose M.
[AMBER's second Reiki client]
Lake Tahoe, CA

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