I really felt the love and relaxation pulsing through my 3rd eye area. I was very calm, felt very safe and held.
- Jack L.
Los Angeles, CA
`My experience with AMBER was an energetic slingshot into physical and spiritual healing. I injured my knee the previous day and a lot of the session was centralized around my knee. I could feel the reiki concentrate in that area and my knee has rapidly healed since then. I had a very deep open wound that needed stitches. In an overall spiritual sense, AMBER’s energy coupled with the guided reiki was very strong and palpable and really boosted me to a higher frequency. Thank you kindly AMBER.
-Steven M.
Lake Tahoe, CA
[A]bout the Reiki session... whilst it was happening, I felt really loved and really held, and I haven't felt that way on my own. For example, I think the last time I remember feeling that way was being held by my partner... I felt extremely loved and held by the Earth and by myself. That was a really cool experience: Something that I don't think I've physically felt or energetically felt... It was really cool and safe and beautiful. And you're going to be a great Reiki healer. I can already tell and thank you for that session. Thank you so much. I love you.
- Megan S.
Los Angeles, CA
Before the session, I had mixed emotions. I was genuinely curious about trying something new, but was also a bit skeptical if Reiki would live up to the hype. Once the session began, however, I found myself in a deep state of relaxation, most similar to a mindfulness class I attended a few times. I found the gentle touch and soothing presence helped release some tension and stress I had been carrying, and my mind slowly quieted, making space for a sense of inner calm. As the session progressed, I started to notice subtle sensations of warmth, tingling, and a gentle flow of energy throughout my body, and at times felt like AMBER's hand wasn’t physically touching me, but I could feel the presence still. It was oddly comforting and reassuring.
After the session, when I opened my eyes, I was impressed with how refreshed and revitalized I felt; as if I just woke up from deep REM. I would say this stayed with me through the night, and getting into the hot tub right after definitely enhanced this for me personally. Overall, my first Reiki left me with a newfound appreciation for energy healing, especially for seeking relaxation, self-awareness and inner peace, and would love to try it again sometime.
-Sid V.
Lake Tahoe, CA
At first, I felt like my internal energy was all over the place and there was no focus. Then AMBER had me lie down, and when she put her hands on me, it felt like she was transferring energy to me. It felt like when she was releasing energy, my energy was pooling around the focus point... I felt like my energy was getting "organized". Before, my energy was directionless and just a general aura around me, but during the [Reiki], it was getting focused and I was way more present... Because of that, I want to be more mindful of how much [of my energy] is radiating and how much I'm keeping for myself, if that makes sense. THANK YOU.
- Jose M.
Lake Tahoe, CA​​​​​​​

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